Why can I no longer log into my account with my old password?
For reasons of data security, we could not use your old password. Please ask for a new password for your account and change it.
How do I get a new password?
- Click on "Login" (top right)
- Enter your e-mail address
- Click on "Forgot Password"
- Enter your account email address
- Click on "Send reset link"
..and you will receive a new password via email, which you can change later. Please check also your Spam folder.
Where is my old data?
Unfortunately, old invoices, order histories, shopping carts or remaining download options could not be imported for reasons of compatibility because the old shop was out of date. We have set up a link (in a red box) on our home page with which you can access the old shop again for a certain period of time in order to be able to save any remaining data from your old customer account with your old password.
How do I shop?
- enter www.casa-musica.com in your browser
- click on "Register" (if you don't have an account yet)
- add your first name, your last name, your e-mail address and your individual password
- Select your song / video clip or your album / book
- click on "add to cart"
- click on "Checkout"
- Mark (x) "I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy"
- click on Continue"
- add your address
- click on Continue"
- Select payment
- Mark (x) "I agree to the terms of use and will comply with them unconditionally."
- Mark (x) "I want immediate access to the digital content and I acknowledge that I will lose my right of withdrawal as soon as the service has started in accordance with the terms and conditions of sale for digital products."
- click order with obligation to pay
How can I search for individual titles, how does the search engine work?
The new Casa Trackfilter is very extensive, is able now to search for individual songs and albums and has additional new search criteria.
- To search for tracks, please switch the search engine from albums to individual tracks.
- please wait until the search engine has displayed all songs before entering your search criteria. Depending on your computer and internet connection, this can be faster or slower.
- Only when all songs / video clips / albums / books have been loaded can the search engine can find the right songs for you from the entire repertoire.
- If you enter too much search information so that no result is obtained, the search engine switches to either / or mode. The search results then contain either parameter A or B.
How do I find the top 10 of the individual dances?
You have the option of determining a top ten (or top 100) for each dance:
- Enter a dance in the filter for 'Title Search'
- Sort the results by 'Most Wanted'
... and the top 100 of the respective dance will be displayed to you! You can sort video clips or other products in the same way.
How do I go directly to a title in the list of selected songs in alphabetical order, the first letter of which is in the middle, without having to scroll through all the pages one after the other?
You can browse front to back or back to front. Unfortunately, an alphabet index is not possible because you can change the preprogrammed display (in alphabetical order of the search results) to other sorting criteria (e.g. length, date of publication, most wanted) that are not sorted alphabetically.
According to which genres are the music titles sorted?
For better orientation we have divided music titles into different music genres. The decisive factor was "what it sounds like" and not what genre the performer actually comes from. Therefore, for example, "dance orchestras" that sound like pop music are listed as "pop" and pop music with a large orchestra as "orchestra".
What do the additions in the Paso Doble names mean?
For many dancers, the type of phrasing in the Paso Doble is important. Due to the length of 30 seconds of our audio samples, the phrasing cannot be recognized from the audio samples. Therefore the phrasing is indicated in the title display:
- No addition = no recognizable phrasing
- 2 Beat Phrasing = recurring phrases over 2 beats (1-2)
- 4 Beat Phrasing = recurring phrases over 4 beats (1-2-3-4)
- 8 Beat Phrasing = recurring phrases over 8 beats (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8)
- 3 highlights = three highlights in the usual place
- 'Espana Cani' related, 3 highlights or 2 highlights = A phrasing similar to “Espana Cani” with 3 highlights or a short version with 2 highlights
- 'Espana Cani' Phrasing, 3 highlights or 2 highlights = the exact phrasing of the “Espana Cani” with 3 highlights or short version with 2 highlights
- no 'Espana Cani' Phrasing = none of the “Espana Cani” similar or identical phrasing
- Intro, 'Espana Cani' phrasing, 3 highlights = Paso Doble with an additional short introduction
What does “No strict tempo” mean in the article name?
It means that the track does not have a uniform tempo, but a changing speed.
Do you allow to use your music for classes, competitions & parties?
Yes, we allow to use our music commercially for lessons, competitions and parties. However, may only in connection with a corresponding contract with a Composers Copyright Association for public performance (depends on country). Duplication on data carriers or distribution on DVD or the use in video clips on the Internet is subject to a license.
How does the magnifying glass work?
With the magnifying glass you can use the mouse wheel to enlarge images for a better view.
In which languages are the videos available?
Most of our videos are multilingual. The available language tracks are specified in the item description. You can set the desired language on your DVD player or video player (mp4). Exceptions are: "Beautiful Basics", "Touch of Africa" and "Dance as Fire": (English with Japanese subtitles), and the "Dance Bible" (English and Japanese one after the other on one soundtrack)
Which TV system or which regional code do the DVDs have?
The available TV system for DVDs is specified on the respective article page under "Specifications". The mp4 downloads are internationally compatible and do not have a regional code.
Why is the shop slow on my device?
Initially, a significant increase in customer frequency affected the shop's working speed. We have now fixed the problem. However, the shop needs an up-to-date computer and a good internet connection for the perfect shopping experience!
What do I need to enter in the address field when I buy?
When creating your new account, please provide the following information:
Address field:
- Title: Mr./Mrs. (Man/Lady)
- First name (your first name)
- Surname (your family name)
- Email (your email address)
- Password (choose your own password)
- (X) I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy (please tick the privacy policy)
When placing an order, please state for your invoice:
- First name (your first name)
- Surname (your family name)
- Company (only if you need an invoice for a company)
- Sales tax identification number (only for business customers within the EU) (optional)
- Address (your street and house number) (Optional)
- Address (supplement) (your address if you need more space)
- ZIP Code (ZIP Code of Your City) (Optional)
- City (your city)
- Country: (your country)
- Phone: (your phone number) (optional)
You can enter two different addresses as the delivery address and shipping address.
Is there still the option of prepayment?
The new counterpart of prepayment is the "instant transfer" option. There you can pay via online banking.
Can I pay by credit card without a PayPal account?
Of course, you can also pay by credit card without a PayPal account. PayPal is just our billing service. This is how it works:
- Click on "Proceed to checkout"
- Select payment (Visa / Mastercard)
- Choose card
- Confirm the two conditions. To do this, you have to tick the two confirmation lines, otherwise the payment process will not continue.
- Click on "Order with obligation to pay"
- Click on "Pay with Credit Card"
- Enter your credit card information into the formula
- Click on "Continue without a PayPal account"
Why can't I pay?
Before paying you must accept the terms and conditions. To do this, you have to tick the two confirmation lines, otherwise the payment process will not continue.
How can I pay?
You can pay with Visa / Mastercard credit card, Sepa direct debit, PayPal or instant transfer:
- Click on "shopping cart"
- Proceed to checkout
- choose payment method
- Confirm "General Terms and Conditions" (X)
- Confirm "Conditions of sale of digital products" (X)
- Click on "Order with obligation to pay"
- Pay
Where can I find my downloads? Why didn't I get a notification email?
You can find your downloads in your customer account under "My Downloads". After your purchase you will receive an automatic confirmation with a link that you can use to download your items. However, sometimes the notification emails end up in the spam folder or come back to us undelivered as spam.
How can I download my purchased songs or videos?
- Click on "Login" (top right)
- Enter your e-mail address
- Enter your password
- Click on "My Account"
- Click on “My Downloads”.
- Click a song to download
- Select the folder you want to save it in
- Start the download
When buying complete albums or videos, is there an option to download all titles or chapters at once?
Yes. We combine complete music / video download albums for you in a ZIP file. Please wait before downloading your ZIP file has been created.
How do I open the zip file?
We have complete download albums ready for you as ZIP files. You can download all the tracks on an album at once with one download. The ZIP file format (from English "zipper ”) is a format for losslessly compressed files in which several music tracks that belong together can be combined.
You can open ZIP files by decompressing them using a decompressor (e.g. 7-Zip or winzip). Start the decompressor program from the start menu or via the desktop shortcut. Open the zipped file by clicking "File> Open".
Why is it not possible for me to download, the download has expired?
We generally provide three downloads of each title. If it was downloaded three times, the link has expired.
Please note that direct downloads to some mobile devices (e.g. iPhone / iPad) are not possible for technical reasons ("closed systems"). In this case, the downloads can be downloaded to a PC (or to a cloud) and transferred to the mobile device during the next synchronization.
- If you have bought a complete album, the individual tracks are combined in a ZIP folder so that you do not have to download each song individually. This will take a few seconds. Please wait with the download until your ZIP folder has been created.
- Please pay attention to your storage location and sufficient storage space.
- Please make sure that the destination folder does not have an excessively long name or that it is not in a deep level as a subfolder.
- Please do not start multiple download processes at the same time
- Please do not close the browser during the download
- Please avoid any other work on the PC while the download is in progress
Does the same principle apply to DVDs (DVD only) for CD purchases (CD only) where the mp3 files are available for download immediately after purchase? Are the mp4 files available for download immediately after purchase?
Yes (exception: the “World Superstar Dance Festival” DVD series)
How can I play my purchased mp3 music tracks or mp4 videos?
- Once the download song is in the folder on your computer, you can play it with your audio player on your PC.
- If you want to play your song / video on your mobile phone or tablet, you can transfer the downloads to your mobile device the next time you sync.
Has the file labeling of the downloads changed in the new shop?
Yes, we changed the file labeling. Since we now also offer complete albums, we are now delivering the tracks in the order of the original albums. We put the metadata in the tags of the mp3 files, as we assume that the common metadata will be read out by most players and programs - so that everyone can sort their songs according to their taste. If you want to rename your old mp3 files, we recommend the "Total Commander", with which you can rename the songs in batches. Alternatively, you can use the “Mp3Tag” program, which you can use to transfer the metadata of the mp3 files to the file name using the appropriate formula. Again, you can proceed in batches.
Why does my newsletter have no content?
Our newsletter is in jpg format. Depending on the settings for the message view of your mailbox, the content may not be displayed to you.
Do you have any further questions? Contact our customer support!